The active inclusion and quality of life for families with children with disabilities are closely linked to employment opportunities and the business sector’s adequate response to the potential these families develop and possess. In Bulgaria, there are approximately 26,000 children with disabilities rated over 50%, and the lack of services for these families leads to parents leaving their jobs. Consequently, individuals caring for children with disabilities and holding professional qualifications remain an undervalued group in the labor market, as they cannot work standard hours. At the same time, over 50% of Bulgarian employers report problems finding employees with the right professional qualifications and personal skills. In seeking alternatives, businesses are increasingly open to providing flexible employment conditions and hiring individuals from vulnerable groups, provided they possess the required skills.
The main goal of the PROFILE project was to improve the quality of life and labor market participation for families with children with disabilities by expanding employment opportunities, increasing motivation for work activity, developing personal and professional skills, and ensuring effective dialogue with employers.
The PROFILE project developed an integrated set of measures to encourage businesses and motivate people caring for children with disabilities to regain their work activity in fields and areas that allow for remote work, flexible working hours, and self-employment.

Project duration:
Funded by:
OP "Development of human resources" 2013-2020
Key concepts:
- employment, motivation, and opportunities for work activity among parents of children with disabilities
- support services for better reconciliation of personal, family, and professional life for families with children with disabilities
- attitudes among employers toward individuals caring for children with disabilities
Target group and beneficiaries:
- 30 unemployed and inactive individuals - parents or family members - of working age and with an educational background, who care for children with disabilities
- children with disabilities in the Municipality of Varna
Project outputs and products:
- Integrated model for rehabilitation and development of professional and personal skills to restore work activity and employment
- Provision of part-time care for children with disabilities for 12 months, to enable parents to participate in training, counseling, and active job searching
- Training and counseling in two courses: "Personal Skills for Employment" and "Digital Marketing and Blogging" for 30 parents of children with disabilities
- Employment for 10 individuals from the pilot group of 30 parents
- Campaign to overcome discriminatory attitudes among employers toward individuals caring for children with disabilities
- International Management Institute
- The "Joy for Our Children" Foundation
- "E-tours" Ltd.