The project has been awarded a quality mark by the National Agency for Bulgaria for the administration of projects under the Erasmus+ programme.
In response to the aftermath of the economic crisis, reduced public budgets, and the scale of future challenges, social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have become key political priorities in the EU. They are sources of social innovation and contribute to building the innovation capacity and competitiveness of the EU economies. This makes them increasingly important elements of the EU’s development strategy. However, business and economics education does not adequately reflect this trend.
The interdisciplinary academic field of social entrepreneurship is underdeveloped in the EU. The term itself is often misunderstood or narrowly defined. CSR education is limited in terms of academic hours and content. This initiative is based on the belief that for business to be motivated and capable of achieving social impact, the content of CSR and social entrepreneurship as subjects must be developed, and business education needs to become more open to what has so far largely been a public program addressing pressing societal challenges.
The main goal of the BEST project was to promote cooperation and the exchange of good practices between organizations from 7 program countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, and the United Kingdom) to improve the quality and relevance of education in the fields of social entrepreneurship and CSR, promoting social innovation, and supporting social impact and business responsibility.
Project activities included the developing of intellectual products, transnational project meetings, sustainability activities, and dissemination of results.

Project duration:
Financed by:
Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Key concepts:
- cooperation and exchange of good practices
- education in social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility
- promotion of social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility among businesses, society, media, and educational service providers
Target groups and beneficiaries:
- students in business and economics fields
- higher education institutions – project partners
- business, society, media, and educational service providers
Project outputs and products:
- Research report "Engaging Business in Promoting Sustainable Development at Regional and Local Levels in Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, and the United Kingdom"
- Collection of good practices in corporate responsibility, social entrepreneurship, and social innovation
- Curriculum for training in corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship, and sustainable development
- International Institute of Management, Bulgaria (lead partner)
- International Business and Law High School, Lithuania
- Higher Education Institution - Utena, Lithuania
- International institute for the development of innovation, knowledge and competences INDICO, Spain
- Portuguese Innovation Society, Portugal
- Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
- İzmir University of Economics, Turkey
- University College Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Birmingham City University, United Kingdom
- University of Thessaly, Greece